Contact me

No question is too small, and no dream is too big. Let's start exploring the world together, one conversation at a time.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Are you open for new projects or commissions?

Absolutely, I'm always eager to dive into new projects and commissions, embracing the opportunity to capture life's moments through my lens. Whether it's an intimate portrait or a grand landscape, I'm open to any type of photography endeavor, ready to turn your vision into a visual masterpiece.


Do you offer photography work abroad?

I'm always up for an adventure and open to photography work abroad. No corner of the globe is off-limits, provided that scheduling and logistics align. Together, we can capture the beauty and wonder of this vast world through my lens.


How big is your photography and videography crew?

While I exclusively focus on photography and don't personally provide videography services, I've collaborated with numerous videography teams in the past. As a one-man photography crew, I take pride in my work, but when it comes to larger events and projects, I join forces with some of California's most talented photographers to ensure we capture every breathtaking moment.


Are you interested in any full-time opportunity or just contract work?

While I appreciate the allure of full-time opportunities, my passion truly lies in contract work, as it allows me to focus on a diverse range of projects. Whether it's a few hours for a quick shoot or an extensive endeavor spanning multiple days and weeks, I find immense satisfaction in embracing the unique challenges that each project presents. This approach keeps my creative juices flowing and ensures that I can continually evolve and grow as an explorer in the world of photography.

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